Boats at Lough Hyne

Just home following a very enjoyable weekend in Skibbeeren which took in a visit to Lough Hyne for a raft-building exercise.  More photos to come from Sibbereen this week, but maybe not the juicy stuff!  Lough Hyne itself is really beautiful and is well worth a visit, I certainly plan to go back again during the summer.  From the Skibbereen Heritage website:

This unique lake and its surrounds are home to a  rich and varied range of plants and animals, including many rare and beautiful species. Since it was ‘discovered’ by marine biologists in 1886, scientists have carried out pioneering research in experimental ecology. Their continued research into the factors governing the distributions of marine animals and plants make Lough Hyne on of the most- studied marine sites of Europe. 

Boats at Lough Hyne

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